How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Have you ever noticed a Google result with star ratings? It is additional information about a WordPress website and is known as a rich snippet. The code used for telling a search engine to get this information is known as schema markup. Whenever you add schema to your WordPress, it can increase your website’s chances to get eye-catching rich results.

Although there is not any direct ranking increase from schema markup, this rich snippet makes your site more visible in search results. That’s why it’s important to get it installed on your WordPress website.

In this post, we will share with you the information on how to add schema markup to a site. After that, we will show you how to add it to WordPress using a plugin.

What does schema markup look like?

Schema markup is a behind-the-scenes code, which you can add to your WordPress website. Humans will not see it, but search engines, like Google, use it for a better understanding of your content. Hence, it adds rich snippets that look like this: that you add to your WordPress site. Humans won’t ever see it, but search engines like Google use it to better understand your content and add something called rich snippets, which look like this:

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

The stars are not the only rich snippets you will see here. For instance, you may see a recipe search result with various reviews, the amount of time it requires to complete a dish, and calories in the recipe. Such a rich snippet is amazing for food blogs.

According to the type of content your website contains, you will add various schema markup. The schema markup usually shows up in:

Software applications
Local businesses – A guide for business addresses and various other schema information.

How to add schema to your content on a WordPress website?

Here’s a simple guide that you need to follow for adding schema to your content on a WordPress website:

Step 1: Install a schema markup plugin

Various developers use plugins to add schema to a WordPress website. We prefer the All In One Schema Rick Snippets plugin due to its reputation, as well as support for the rich snippets:

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

To begin, you have to install and activate a plugin on a WordPress site. After that, find the Rich Snippets tab on the dashboard’s left side.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Step 2: Configure and add schema to WordPress website

The schema markup function is technically already in your WordPress website. However, you can configure whatever shows up. Then, each page or post you make needs you to specify if you would like to appear the schema markup on the search results.

On the Rich Snippets page, You come across a configuration tab. Beneath that, you can find all the schema markup types.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Whenever you click on any one, such as Item Review, various fields appear. This specifies which particular rich snippets show up on the search results and the front end.

There is no need to change anything on the page. But it gives you a good idea of understanding which snippets show up. Furthermore, you can remove some of these if required. For instance, you don’t want to get a rating or a review date:

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

There is a customization tab that offers colors for letting to adjust them as per your liking. Again, you get the option to leave the presets. However, you may like to match the snippet box to a website brand. This specific snippet box appears towards the end of the WordPress post. This is what you customize. And, it has nothing to do with the appearance of schema markup in the search engines.

Once you have customized everything, click on the Update Colors button.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

The schema markup works amazingly for eCommerce websites. It also helps you to highlight products via blog post reviews. Furthermore, it features your customer ratings in the search engine. Nonetheless, it’s recommended to remove the checkbox if the WooCommerce is running. The WooCommerce plugin often comes with schema support. Therefore, it often conflicts with the addition of a duplicate schema.

Step 3: Add or edit a post on WordPress website

As mentioned before, the schema markup won’t show u for a page/post unless you get it activated individually. So, you have to go to Posts>Add New, or search for a post you have created already. And, then manually add schema to WordPress.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Creating content is the same as you do it anyway. So, type the title and fill the text editor with any text you want. Then, you have to scroll below the text editor for finding the tools for schema markup.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Step 4: Configure rich snippets on the post

After you find the Configure Rich Snippets module, you can select the drop-down menu. And, then, you will see various options. For instance, here we are making Item Review.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

Every schema markup option is distinct. But the Item Review schema further asks for the reviewer’s name, a rating, and item to be reviewed.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

After you preview or publish the post, you can observe the rich snippet at the bottom of your post:

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

To test whether or not the schema markup is working, you need to plug your post’s URL in Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Another example here is to see the way to add the schema markup for recipes. For instance, you need to fill in the fields for nutrition, the time needed, and ingredients. It even gets a spot for an image.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your WordPress Website

This is how you add schema to a WordPress website

While a schema markup does not have any direct impact on the SEO of your WordPress site, it is still a good way to make your content more visible in search results. Therefore, it’s worth taking out some time to add it to your website.

Monika Thakur

Monika Thakur is a professional content creator for various blogs and websites, including Home Improvement, Technology, and more. With over seven years of experience in the digital world, she has dedicated her life to sharing her knowledge and experience about health, art, beauty, travel, technology, and lifestyle. She also loves interacting with readers and often encourages them to ask her questions related to her articles