5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About WordPress 2022

5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About WordPress 2022

Are you looking forward to starting your website or blog on WordPress? If so, you must be searching about WordPress 2022 and its significance. Or maybe already admire the use of WordPress and wish to convince others also to join this amazing community. But for that, you need solid evidence to back up your claims.

No matter what’s your reason, if you are seeking its statistics, you’re indeed at the right spot. Get ready to know about some interesting WordPress 2022 facts. So, without further ado let’s dive into the facts straight away.

1. 35% of the Web Makes Use of WordPress 2022

It may be surprising to you, but this content management system is powering over 35% of the web. The reason for this success is the amazing versatility. This makes WordPress perfect for creating small personal blogs, professional business websites, and even powering some major sites, like Sony Music and Forbes.

2. It Gets More Than 2,940,000 Searches Every Month

As per research, the keyword “WordPress” gets more than 2,940,000 time searches every month worldwide. You can now easily imagine how high this search volume would get with related long-tail keywords. This says a lot about its even today.

3. It Comes in 196 Languages

When you look at the WordPress translation website, it shows around 196 locales along with 40 available at 100-percent translation. So, the total number of locales is 196. However, we are not sure how long it would take to virtually add every existing language on this platform.

5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About WordPress 2022

4. It’s More Visited Compared to Twitter

With over 163 million unique visitors each month, WordPress is a more visited online platform compared to Twitter, which gets just around 156 million unique visitors every month.

5. WordPress Isn’t Owned by Any Firm

WordPress trademark is only owned by WordPress Foundation. For protecting the freedom offered by this open-source platform, the co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, made the WordPress Foundation. It is a non-profit organization that’s intended to protect freedoms provided by the software’s open source license.

Benefits of WordPress 2022

  • Ease of use.
  • Manage a website using any computer.
  • You get control over your site.
  • No need for FTP software or HTML editing.
  • Search engines prefer WordPress websites.

Disadvantages of WordPress

  • The issue with WordPress 2022 is updating its core. It can be quite troublesome to update the core and break some of its functionality.
  • To ensure that it works properly, you need to install various themes and plugins. Frequent updates on a site can also hinder its functionality.

WordPress Tutorial 2022:

10 reasons to use WordPress

  • WordPress sites are very simple and easy to manage and set up.
  • WordPress is open-source and available at no cost.
  • It is search engine friendly, adaptable, secure, and customizable.
  • WordPress reigns higher on the CMS market.
  • It is mobile-friendly.
  • You may schedule posts or publish them immediately, as per your desire.
  • This platform is famous among developers and it also has a major support community.
  • It needs no commitment to the hosting provider.
  • It loves multi-language websites.
  • There is better multi-user capability on this online platform.
  • WordPress loves multi-language sites.


WordPress is your one-of-the-kind website solution to create any type of blog or website to meet your goals. Did any of the mentioned information about this online platform surprise you? If so, share with us in the comments.

5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About WordPress 2022

Monika Thakur

Monika Thakur is a professional content creator for various blogs and websites, including Home Improvement, Technology, and more. With over seven years of experience in the digital world, she has dedicated her life to sharing her knowledge and experience about health, art, beauty, travel, technology, and lifestyle. She also loves interacting with readers and often encourages them to ask her questions related to her articles